University of Maribor


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.



The Commission for Study Affairs considers matters from its field of work and makes proposals to the Faculty Senate, and in matters specifically determined in the Statute of the University it can also decide independently.

The Commission for Study Affairs has eight members and consists of: the Vice-Dean for the field of activities of the Commission and five members appointed by the Senate of the Faculty from among higher education teachers or researchers, and two students. The term of office of the members of the Commission is four years, and the term of office of members from the ranks of students is one year. The members of the Commission may be reappointed after this period.

President: Assist. Prof. dr. Matej ZADRAVEC
Members: Assoc. Prof. dr. Simon KLANČNIK
  Assist. Prof. dr. Boštjan HARL
  Assist. Prof. dr. Manja KUREČIČ
  Assist. Prof. dr. Aleš BELŠAK

Student representatives:


Members from the ranks of higher education teachers or researchers are appointed for a term of four years, i.e. from 15 September 2021 to 14 September 2025, and members from the ranks of students are appointed for a term of one year, i.e. from 7. 11. 2024 to 6. 11. 2025.

Vice-Dean for Studies

Doc. Dr. Matej Zadravec

Room: J2-328

Phone: +386 (0)2 220 7783