University of Maribor


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Advanced environmentally friendly dyeing processes of synthetic materials and evaluation of colours and environmental impacts.

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

Definition of dyeing processes during the production of textiles from synthetic polymers. Innovations in the field of textile auxiliaries, chemicals and dyes and criteria for their selection from a quality, ecological and economic point of view. Dyeing medium - technological water, alternative media and the use of modern procedures based on environmentally friendly technologies. Phases of work, preparation of recipes and apparatus/machines for dyeing. Technological implementation of the dyeing process of various synthetic materials with emphasis on PA, PES and PAN fibres using the appropriate machinery, and the impact of an individual chemical, textile auxiliary and dye on quality and environmental parameters.
Definition of quality characteristics of the dyeing process, CIELAB numerical evaluation of colours, determination of dye concentration in the bath and on the material, and evaluation of pollution parameters of textile wastewaters.






Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

prof. dr. Darinka Fakin

Dr. Darinka Fakin is a full professor in the field of Materials at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, at the University of Maribor. Her research activities are mainly focused on textile chemical processes in the field of functionalization of materials; she also deals a lot with environmental issues, especially in the area of technological wastewater treatment. She is also involved in the development of dyeing processes and the study of dyeing kinetics. A special part of her research is dyes and colours, both from an environmental, physical-chemical and psychological point of view.
Her work is also aimed at the development of biotechnological processes, studying the mechanisms of action of multi-enzyme systems depending on the type and activity of enzymes. This is also related to the introduction of new techniques and the study of the influence of ultrasound in inhomogeneous systems, where she actively cooperated with partners in international projects.
As part of her research work, dr. Darinka Fakin also collaborates with many industrial partners, she is the head of the Laboratory for Dyeing, Colourimetry and Finishing Ecology, and the Centre for Dyeing and Colours, and she participates in many bodies at the Faculty.



Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. prof. dr. Alenka Ojstršek

Dr. Alenka Ojstršek is an assistant professor in the field of Materials and a research associate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Textile Materials and Design, University of Maribor, where she participates (has participated) in several national and EU fundamental and applied projects, teaches Erasmus students in the field of finishing technologies and is a mentor to young researchers and co-mentor to several masters and diploma students in the field of dyeing, colourimetry and treatment of coloured wastewater. She has expertise in the field of surface functionalization of textile materials, environmentally friendly pretreatment, dyeing and finishing of textiles, surface characterization, determination of mechanical properties of composites, colourimetry, and development of innovative technologies/procedures for processing (non)fibrous materials. She also performs colour measurements in the UV/VIS/NIR range for various industrial partners. She has obtained funding as part of the Slovenian national funding ARIS, project J2-50087 (2023-2026). In 2021, she successfully completed the Horizon 2020 MATUROLIFE project, as a leader at the University of Maribor (partner in a project) and a WP leader in this project.

Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

During the course, participants will gain the following knowledge:

Dyeing processes of synthetic textile materials

  • Participants will learn about different PA, PES and PAC dyeing processes.
  • Understand the meaning and role of an individual chemical, auxiliary and dye.
  • Learned about the basic chemical constitution of dyes and the formation of chemical and/or physical bonds with fibres.
  • Participants will learn about modern environmentally friendly alternative dyeing processes.

Evaluation of colour values and pollution parameters.

  • Participants will be able to evaluate CIELAB colour values and colour differences.
  • They will be able to assess environmental impacts and wastewater pollution.

After the course, the participants will be able to create a regulation for the dyeing of synthetic materials and independently evaluate the results.



Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling


Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Date                                                              Time                                                 Activity                                                                                                                               

by agreement

3 hours - lecture

Dyeing theory
Dyeing procedures

by agreement

3 hours - lecture

Dyeing of different synthetic materials
Dyeing of PA
Dyeing of PES
Dyeing of PAN

by agreement

2 hours - lecture

Environmentally friendly dyeing procedures
Dyeing in supercritical CO2
Co-dyeing with US

by agreement

2 hours - lecture

Evaluation of colours and pollution parameters
CIELAB colour space
Colour systems and collections
Pollution parameters of wastewaters

by agreement

5 hours - seminar

Preparation of recipes, determination of machinery, preparation of seminar work

by agreement

5 hours - lab work

Performing different dyeing processes in a laboratory


by agreement

5 hours - lab work

Performing dyeing in a textile plant and evaluation of pollution parameters

Course date



More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants

