University of Maribor


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Computational Fluid Dynamics - OpenFOAM

Short course description: OpenFOAM - Essentials

Short course description: OpenFOAM - Essentials

Content of the short-term learning experience

OpenFOAM® stands as a widely utilized open-source code and robust framework designed for addressing a myriad of challenges, predominantly within the realm of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In recent years, OpenFOAM® has emerged as a leading choice for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations across a diverse array of industries. Its open- source nature, coupled with its robust capabilities, has led to its widespread adoption by engineers, researchers, and organizations worldwide.

Course is designed to provide a solid foundation in key concepts such as computational fluid dynamics, mesh generation, boundary conditions, turbulence modeling and post- processing techniques. The course will cover topics ranging from laminar to turbulent flows as well as moving meshes, heat transfer and lagrangian particle tracking. Through acombination of on-site lectures and practical exercises as well as complementary hands-on online-tutorials, you will gain the essential to tackle real-world engineering challenges using OpenFOAM.

Lecture notes and tutorials all participants will be given a digital handout of the course material. Furthermore, the course is complemented with additional self-study video tutorials, enabling the participants to recap and strengthen their knowledge after the course. Note that handouts and videos are provided in English.

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Jure Ravnik
Dr. Jure Ravnik is a professor of Power, Process, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maribor's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slovenia. His research interests span multiphase and multicomponent fluid flows, turbulence, heat and matter transfer, numerical methods, and approximation methods. He has been involved in various research and development projects at national and EU levels, including the simulation of fluid flows during paper production, nanofluid behavior, and the development of numerical algorithms for diverse applications. Furthermore, Dr. Ravnik actively participates in commissions, societies, and associations, organizes conferences and edits journals, contributing significantly to the academic and research community in the field of transport phenomena modelling.


Other instructors

Other instructors

M.Sc. Jana Wedel (University of Erlangen- Nuremberg), 
Nejc Vovk (University of Maribor), M.Eng.


Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

After the course the participants will possess the following skills:

Computational fluid mechanics

  • Participants will have gained a basic insight into fluid mechanics and CFD.

Mesh generation

  • Participants will be able to create high quality computational meshes using the blockMesh and snappyHexMesh utility.
  • Participants will be able to assess and improve the mesh quality.

Simulation set up

  • Participants will be able to choose appropriate boundary and initial conditions in accordance with the physics of the problem.
  • Participants will posess basic knowledge of solver algorithms (SIMPLE, PISO, PIMPLE).
  • Participants will be able to improve and assess the stability of the numerical computation.

Post-Processing and Validation

  • Participants will be able to use basic function objects in OpenFOAM (residuals, drag and lift coefficients, etc.).
  • Participants will be able to display and process relevant results using ParaView and gnuplot.
  • Participants will be able to assess and improve the numerical results.

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

This course is designed for individuals at all levels, whether you're interests lie in academic research, industrial applications, or you’re simply looking to expand your engineering toolkit. The course is aimed at beginners to OpenFOAM®. No special prior knowledge is required, however, basic knowledge of CFD is advantageous.


Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda:


Date Time Activity

Wednesday, 12.6.2024

10:00 – 18:00  
  • Welcome and introduction of participants
  • Lecture on basics of CFD, fluid mechanics and turbulence
  • Introduction to OpenFOAM
  • Meshing in OpenFOAM with blockMesh
  • Laminar flow simulations
  • Postprocessing of results

Thursday, 13.6.2024

09:00 – 17:00  
  • Turbulence models in OpenFOAM (RANS, LES)
  • Meshing with snappyHexMesh
  • Parallel meshing and parallel computing
  • Simulation of heat transfer

Friday, 14.6.2024

09:00 – 17:00  
  • Simulation of flows with rotating grids
  • Simulation of multiphase flows
  • Lagrangian particle tracking

Course date

12. - 14. 6. 2024






Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment

additional online tutorials



Available number of participants

