University of Maribor


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Construction and Decomposition of Woven Fabrics

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

Terminology. Definition of flat textiles. Types and applicability of flat textiles. Design and functionality of textiles. Fabric construction. Types of woven fabrics. Constructional parameters of biaxial woven fabrics. Types of woven fabrics according to the weave and production technique. Types of woven fabrics according to surface mass. Woven fabric nomenclature. Woven fabric decomposition. The principle of weaving of dobby woven fabrics. Pattern draft - a plan for setting up a loom. Types and drawings of weaves on pattern paper.





Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polona Dobnik Dubrovski

She is an expert in designing and constructing fabrics for different applications (for clothing, interior, and technical purposes). In the last period, she is mainly focused on developing auxetic structures and their mechanical properties. As part of her scientific research work, she published scientific articles dealing with:

  • development of woven fabrics as protection against solar radiation in the range of 210-1200 nm;
  • development of non-woven textiles with geometry of rotating cells to achieve auxetic properties of the material;
  • analysis of breaking strength of cotton ring-spun yarns to detect differences between bobbins, within bobbins, between manufacturers, between test devices, and according to testing conditions;
  • the influence of macroporosity and construction parameters of woven fabrics on protection against UV radiation;
  • the effect of porosity of non-woven fabrics on vertical wicking rate.



Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

The participant will be able to:

  • identify different constructions of simple dobby woven fabrics;
  • carry out the process of decomposition of a simple dobby woven fabric;
  • create a construction plan for simple dobby woven fabrics.


Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling


Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Date                                                              Time                                                 Activity                                                                                                                               


2 h


Terminology. Definition of flat textiles. Types and applicability of flat textiles. Design and functionality of textiles. Fabric construction. Types of woven fabrics. Constructional parameters of biaxial woven fabrics. Types of woven fabrics according to the weave and production technique. Types of woven fabrics according to surface mass. Woven fabric nomenclature.


2 h


Woven fabric decomposition. The principle of weaving of dobby woven fabrics. Pattern draft - a plan for setting up a loom.


3 h

Types and drawing of weaves on the pattern paper.


3 h

Decomposition and pattern draft making.

Course date




More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants

