University of Maribor


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Corel Draw 2024 – vector graphics

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

Welcome to the 5-day Corel Draw course, where you will explore the world of vector graphics and acquire the key skills needed to create professional graphic works. This course is designed to guide you step-by-step through all the essential aspects of Corel Draw, from the basic overview of the workspace to advanced drawing and design techniques.

Each day, we will dedicate 4 hours to intensive learning and practical work, allowing you to master the various functions and tools offered by Corel Draw. The program covers everything from drawing basic shapes, using colors, patterns, and effects, to working with text and preparing files for printing. Special emphasis will be placed on preparing print materials and desktop publishing, enabling you to utilize all the acquired knowledge to create professional publications.

The course also includes project work, where you can test your skills and create your own projects under the mentorship of experienced instructors. The final day is dedicated to presenting your works and receiving feedback, which will help you grow and improve your skills further.

Join us on this exciting journey into the world of vector graphics and discover how Corel Draw can become an indispensable tool in your creative practice. We look forward to your participation and creative contributions!






Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assist. Prof. Dr. Jasmin Kaljun

is the head of the Master's degree programme in Product Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. His research and teaching focus on introducing creative approaches to product design and development, grounded in ergonomic and aesthetic principles and supported by computer-aided design. He places particular emphasis on the implementation of advanced computer technologies and the development of tailored approaches to conceptual 3D modelling in the Rhinoceros 3D software package and computer visualization in the process of developing new products. His focus lies primarily on freeform surface modelling techniques, subdivision surface modelling, and object-oriented parametric modelling of complex shapes using the Grasshopper software tool.

Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Andrej Cupar

an assistant at the Laboratory for Product Design within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, is deeply involved in the realm of 3D. His research and teaching work primarily encompasses concepts related to 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D prototyping, and the processing and preparation of 3D models using various software tools. Notably, he works with Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper, where conceptual 3D modeling takes place, and SolidWorks, which involves a further, typically more technically oriented 3D modeling process.

Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

Competences that participants will acquire in this course include:

  • Basic understanding of the Corel Draw workspace and tools.
  • Ability to create and edit vector shapes.
  • Mastery of advanced drawing techniques, including curves and Bezier tools.
  • Utilization of colors, patterns, gradients, and textures in graphic projects.
  • Efficient work with layers and layer properties.
  • Creation, editing, and formatting of text.
  • Application of various graphic effects such as shadows, transparency, and 3D effects.
  • Performing operations with PowerClip and PowerTRACE functions.
  • Preparation of files for printing and basic desktop publishing knowledge.
  • Creation and use of brushes, symbols, and management of styles and templates.
  • Practical experience in creating projects and preparing final products for presentation

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

The course is intended for development engineers who typically encounter challenges addressed by computer graphic and graphic design in their work. Teachers of technical subjects in the field of product development, architecture, computer-aided design, 3D modelling, and CAD at secondary schools are also invited to participate in the training. The training is based on the assumption that participants are familiar with the basics of computer graphics.

Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Course date

19. 8. - 23. 8. 2024



More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment

live (B-206) and online (MS Teams in moodle)



Available number of participants

