Short course description
Short course description
Content of the short-term learning experience
Join us for a five-day intensive Corel Photo-Paint course where we will explore the art of editing raster images. This course is designed for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of digital image processing and discover the potentials offered by Corel Photo-Paint.
Each day, we will spend four hours together exploring both basic and advanced image editing techniques, learning how to use tools for precise adjustment of colors, lighting, and contrast. Through practical exercises, you will immediately apply your newly acquired knowledge and skills.
Come and join a community of creators who turn their ideas into reality using advanced digital tools. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional user, the Corel Photo-Paint course will offer valuable insights and technical knowledge to enhance your image editing skills.
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assist. Prof. Dr. Jasmin Kaljun
is the head of the Master's degree programme in Product Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. His research and teaching focus on introducing creative approaches to product design and development, grounded in ergonomic and aesthetic principles and supported by computer-aided design. He places particular emphasis on the implementation of advanced computer technologies and the development of tailored approaches to conceptual 3D modelling in the Rhinoceros 3D software package and computer visualization in the process of developing new products. His focus lies primarily on freeform surface modelling techniques, subdivision surface modelling, and object-oriented parametric modelling of complex shapes using the Grasshopper software tool.
Other instructors
Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Andrej Cupar
an assistant at the Laboratory for Product Design within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, is deeply involved in the realm of 3D. His research and teaching work primarily encompasses concepts related to 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D prototyping, and the processing and preparation of 3D models using various software tools. Notably, he works with Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper, where conceptual 3D modeling takes place, and SolidWorks, which involves a further, typically more technically oriented 3D modeling process.
Objectives and competences
Objectives and competences
Competences that participants will acquire in this course include:
- Understanding basic and advanced techniques for editing raster images in Corel Photo-Paint.
- Utilizing tools for precise adjustment of colors, lighting, and contrast.
- Retouching and correcting image imperfections.
- Creating and formatting text, and integrating it into images.
- Using layering, masking, and other advanced techniques for manipulating image elements.
- Applying filters and effects to enhance the aesthetic appeal of images.
- Preparing images for print and digital distribution.
- Practical experience in creating projects and preparing final products for presentation.
Prerequisites for enrolling
Prerequisites for enrolling
The course is intended for development engineers who typically encounter challenges addressed by computer graphic and graphic design in their work. Teachers of technical subjects in the field of product development, architecture, computer-aided design, 3D modelling, and CAD at secondary schools are also invited to participate in the training. The training is based on the assumption that participants are familiar with the basics of computer graphics.
Preliminary agenda
Preliminary agenda
Course date
2. 9. - 6. 9. 2024