University of Maribor


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Defining the Aesthetic Value of Products – Development of Visually Appealing Products

Definiranje estetske vrednosti

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

The course entitled "Defining the Aesthetic Value of Products - Development of Visually Appealing Products" offers a profound learning experience enabling participants to develop key competencies in designing aesthetically attractive products. It is based on a comprehensive approach that integrates theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and independent project work. 

The theoretical segment of the education provides a fundamental understanding of aesthetics and its significance in the product design process. Participants familiarize themselves with aesthetic trends and delve deeper into colour theory, design, and composition. An important part of the theoretical component is also the introduction to tools for assessing the aesthetic value of products, which contributes to the development of critical thinking and analytical skills.

The practical segment intertwines theoretical knowledge with actual creation. Participants develop skills in design and visual communication and learn to use graphic tools and software for design. The creation of prototypes and product models is a significant step in the process as it allows for the practical verification of ideas and their further improvement. Critical evaluation and feedback then contribute to the growth and development of the visual elements of the products, which are continually refined through interactive collaboration.

The independent project task represents the culmination of the education, allowing participants to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Through the independent development of a product or concept that meets high aesthetic standards, participants combine the content of theoretical and practical work and apply it in the real world. The task includes research, planning, design, and presentation of the final product, providing an exceptional opportunity for expressing creativity and innovation.


Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assistant Professor Dr. Jasmin Kaljun

is the head of the Master's degree programme in Product Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. His research and teaching focus on introducing creative approaches to product design and development based on ergonomic and aesthetic principles, supported by computer-aided design. He pays special attention to the development and implementation of elements and principles of aesthetics in the early stages of product design, where he successfully introduces methods of generative artificial intelligence. Supported by research findings, he also develops pedagogical approaches in the field of creative design.

Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Andrej Cupar

Dr. Andrej Cupar, an assistant at the Laboratory for Product Design within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, is deeply involved in the realm of 3D. His research and teaching work primarily encompasses concepts related to 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D prototyping, and the processing and preparation of 3D models using various software tools. Notably, he works with Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper, where conceptual 3D modeling takes place, and SolidWorks, which involves a further, typically more technically oriented 3D modeling process.



Assist. Aleksander Praper

Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

Participants will acquire competencies through the course that will enable them to independently develop concepts for new, aesthetically appealing products. They will be able to create solutions that meet functional, aesthetic, and other important design parameters independently. Participants will demonstrate the acquired competencies through the realization and presentation of an independent project task.

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

The course is intended for development engineers who typically encounter challenges addressed by visualisation of virtual models in their work. Teachers of technical subjects in the field of product development, architecture, computer-aided design, 3D modelling, and CAD at secondary schools are also invited to participate in the training. The training is based on the assumption that participants are familiar with the basics of 3D modelling.

Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Course date

4. 9. - 18. 10. 2024



More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment

HYBRID (MS Teams/ S18-21)



Available number of participants

