Short course description
Short course description
Content of the short-term learning experience
Participants learn about the theoretical fundamentals of measurement errors and measurement uncertainty, relation between measurement uncertainty and product tolerances, and an internationally standardized measurement uncertainty evaluation procedure is presented to them in detail. The presented procedure is supported by examples of evaluating measurement uncertainty in calibration of dimensional measuring instruments and in the control of production processes (measurement of geometric characteristics of products). The acquired theoretical knowledge is complemented by practical examples of experimental and analytical evaluation of contributions to measurement uncertainty in various measurement procedures and on various measuring instruments. The content of the practical work can be adapted to the wishes of the users according to the requirements in their working environments. The practical part of the training is carried out in the calibration laboratory, which has the status of the holder of the national standard for length in Slovenia ("Slovenian meter"). The staff of the laboratory has excellent competence and experience in the field of calibrating measuring instruments and developing measurement methods and procedures.
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Bojan Ačko
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience is the head of the Laboratory for Production Measurement (holder of the national standard for length in the Republic of Slovenia and an accredited calibration laboratory), representative of the Republic of Slovenia in the European Association of National Metrology Laboratories EURAMET TCL, in the last five years he was the head of the Slovenian part of the consortium of 2 European metrology projects FP H2020 and Horizon Europe, is a lead and expert assessor of laboratories and control bodies at the Slovenian Accreditation, author of more than 30 calibration procedures with evaluation of measurement uncertainty, author of two university textbooks and one script, and in the last five years his most important publications are the covering experimental determination of influences on a gauge block’s stack length, measurement set-up and procedure for precise step gauge calibration, analysis of laser interferometer measurement uncertainty by simulating error sources, communication and validation of metrological smart data in IoT-networks, and analysis of thermal contribution to the measurement uncertainty in step gauge calibration. Presented research belongs to the field of metrology and is published in established international journals. It was co-authored with colleagues from the Laboratory for production Measurements and two major European metrology institutes.
Other instructors
Other instructors

Asist. Prof. Dr. Rok Klobučar
The colleague is an assistant in the Laboratory for Production Measurements and is scientifically engaged mainly in development and automation of calibration procedures and in implementing demanding calibrations at the highest level of accuracy. In the last five years, his bibliography includes four original scientific articles in the field of metrology, which are focused on the development of an automated measuring system for calibrating step gauges, digitization and verification of metrological data, influence of temperature on the uncertainty of calibration of step gauges, and the development of a measuring system for calibrating 2D optical grids with sub-micrometre accuracy. Presented research belongs to the field of metrology and is published in established international journals, and was co-authored with colleagues from the Laboratory for Production Measurements and two major European metrology institutes.
Dr. Jasna Tompa
The colleague is an assistant in the Laboratory for Production Measurements and is scientifically engaged mainly in developing demanding calibration procedures and executing calibrations at the highest accuracy level. Her bibliography includes four original scientific articles in the last five years. One of these metrological, and deals with experimental determination of uncertainty in the calibration of gauge blocks. The development work of the colleague is focused on creating and updating calibration procedures. In the last five years, independently or in cooperation with colleagues from the Laboratory for Technological Measurements, she has published twenty calibration procedures, which are also accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation. She also maintains a quality management system in the national laboratory, which she successfully presented at the EURAMET technical committee for quality in 2024.
Objectives and competences
Objectives and competences
- understand the mission of metrology and the basic metrology terms that define the accuracy of measurements,
- learn the importance of controlled influences on the accuracy and reliability of measurements,
- learn about the internationally standardized measurement uncertainty evaluation process,
- be able to determine and quantify effects on different ways of measuring geometric parameters in different conditions and when using different measuring instruments,
- master the concepts of determining mathematical models for calculating corrected measurement result,
- be able to link individual influences on the measurement result into a model for determining measurement uncertainty and evaluate measurement uncertainty for specific measurement problems.
- the ability to manage measurements from the point of view of the impact on their accuracy,
- he ability to independently create a mathematical model of measurement, which enables the correction of systematic errors and represents the basis for evaluating measurement uncertainty,
- independently evaluate measurement uncertainty for different types of measurements and different influences on measurement accuracy,
- the ability to make a qualitative decision about the adequacy of the product based on the measurement result and the associated measurement uncertainty.
Prerequisites for enrolling
Prerequisites for enrolling
No prerequisites.
Preliminary agenda
Preliminary agenda
September 2024
Day | Date | Activity |
| 9:00 do 16:00 |
13. 9. 2024 | 9:00 do 16:00 |
Course date
12. and 13. 9. 2024