University of Maribor


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Heat treatment of steels

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

Steels are the most important metallic material. Many steels get their final properties from heat treatment. Therefore, knowledge of heat treatment and mastery of the basic skills that enable heat treatment to be designed and carried out is essential in many branches of the metalworking industry. 
The lectures will briefly cover the basics of diffusive and non-diffusive phase transformations in solids, metal hardening mechanisms, heat and material transfer in heat treatments. Heat treatment aggregates, types of atmospheres.
The basic types of steels and the use of phase and transformation diagrams in the design of heat treatments will be presented.
Processes in steel cooling and tempering. Soft annealing. Normalisation. Quenching. Step hardening. Surface hardening. Polishing. 
Thermochemical treatment (nitriding, cementing, boriding, etc.). Heat treatment failures, their causes and their correction.

Exploring Temperature Measurement Methods for Monitoring Heat Treatment Processes. The lectures will cover the following topics: (i) the physical effects underlying temperature measurement, (ii) contact and non-contact measurement methods, and (iii) various types of measuring probes or sensors.

Practical heat treatment of selected steels. The emphasis is on the participants to determine the basic parameters of the treatments on the basis of knowledge of the relevant phase and transformation diagrams and literature data (e.g. handbooks), to carry out the treatments and mechanical tests on the samples, and to carry out metallographic analysis.

During the practical training sessions, participants will gain hands-on experience with thermocouples, exploring their operation based on the Seebeck effect. They will utilize thermocouples to measure the temperature profile of the furnace and to monitor the heat treatment of the workpiece using both direct and indirect temperature measurement methods.

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Franc Zupanič

studies the technologies of synthesis, processing, treatment and joining of various alloys, with the focus of his research being on the relationship between the manufacturing parameters, the resulting microstructure and the final properties, which is the core of materials science.

Other instructors

Other instructors

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihael Brunčko

is an expert in the field of materials science, with over twenty years of experience in engineering materials research. His research focuses on developing methods for monitoring crucial technological parameters during heat treatment, solidification, extrusion, injection moulding, and 3D printing processes. Additionally, his work investigates how these parameters impact the development of microstructure and properties in engineering materials. Furthermore, he is lecturer at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in course Testing of Materials.

Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

The aim is to give an introduction to the heat treatment of steels. Participants are given the theoretical basics and basic practical skills.

On completion of the course, students will be able to

  • prescribe the heat treatment process for a selected steel
  • be able to check that they have achieved the appropriate hardness and toughness of the steel,
  • be able to measure temperature correctly
  • be able to determine the temperature distribution in the furnace

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

There are no conditions.

Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Day                                                                 Time                                                   Activity                                                                                                                                    

Tuesday, 1. 10. 2024

09:00 - 14:00

  • Types of steel
  • Phase diagram Fe-Fe3C
  • TTT in CCT diagrams
  • Cooling steel in the air, oil and water
  • Measurements of hardness and impact toughness
  • Hardenability and Jominy test

Wednesday, 2. 10. 2024

09:30 - 14:30

  • Selected heat treatment of steel
  • Hardening and tempering (H&T)
  • Normalization
  • Stress relieving
  • Surface heat treatment
  • Thermochemical heat treatment

Wednesday, 9. 10. 2024

09:00 - 14:00

  • Furnaces for heat treatment and atmospheres
  • Temperature measurements in furnaces
  • Overview of the entire topic
  • Presentation of a project work

Course date

1. - 9. 10. 2024






Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants

