Short course description
Short course description
Content of the short-term learning experience
- Basics of rapid tooling and injection molding.
- Plastic injection molding materials.
- Mold design and manufacture.
- Injection molding process, quality control and product testing.
- Advanced technologies and trends in rapid tooling and injection molding.
- Computer simulation of the injection molding process.
- Computer aided injection molding tool design
- Implementation of the injection molding process and product quality control.
- Solving practical problems and optimizing the process.
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Gotlih
Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Gotlih teaches robotics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and leads student exercises in numerous courses in the field of manufacturing technologies. Dr. Gotlih participates in student, industrial and research projects. He is active in societies, international collaborations and as an editor of scientific journals in the field of mechanical engineering. His research focuses on the development of intelligent manufacturing systems.
Other instructors
Other instructors

Prof. Dr. Igor Drstvenšek
Prof. Dr. Igor Drstvenšek teaches production technologies, plastics processing, additive manufacturing and 3D printing as well as maintenance in the fields of mechanical engineering, industrial design and industrial engineering at the first and second Bologna level at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on the optimization of forming and additive manufacturing processes of metal materials and the production of patient-adapted medical devices.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tomaž Brajlih
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tomaž Brajlih teaches machining, forming and technological systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the fields of mechanical engineering, industrial design and mechatronics at the first and second Bologna level. His research focuses on the optimization of forming and additive manufacturing processes of plastics and the production of patient-adapted medical devices.
Objectives and competences
Objectives and competences
The objectives of the course are:
- give an explanation of rapid tooling and plastic injection molding;
- present material for injection molding;
- present methods for designing and making molds;
- train students to perform the injection molding process;
- train students to use advanced computer simulations for the injection molding process.
The student will acquire the following general competences:
- the ability of individual creative thinking;
- the ability to do independent engineering and research work;
- independence, creativity, innovation and criticality;
- professional excellence.
Prerequisites for enrolling
Prerequisites for enrolling
Basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering or computer science.
Preliminary agenda
Preliminary agenda
Date | Time | Activity |
By agreement | 10 h | Lectures |
By agreement | 10 h | Computer exercises |
By agreement | 10 h | Practical exercises |
Course date
Autumn 2024