University of Maribor


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Introduction to Computer Simulations of Solids

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

The education 'Introduction to Computer Simulations of Solids' aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of solid mechanics and their application in computer simulations. Students will gain knowledge about using computer tools for solid simulations, critical thinking in interpreting simulation results, and understanding the importance and applicability of solid simulations in the engineering context.

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assist. Prof. Dr. Matej Borovinšek

Matej Borovinšek has been involved in the field of computer simulations of solids since 2004. During this time, he has participated in over 100 industry projects in the field of computer simulations of solids and has published numerous scientific articles in this area. These include:

1. MAUKO, Anja, SARIKAYA, Mustafa, GÜDEN, Mustafa, DUARTE, Isabel, BOROVINŠEK, Matej, VESENJAK, Matej, REN, Zoran. High strain-rate deformation analysis of open-cell aluminium foam.

2. NOVAK, Nejc, BOROVINŠEK, Matej, AL-KETAN, Oraib, REN, Zoran, VESENJAK, Matej. Impact and blast resistance of uniform and graded sandwich panels with TPMS cellular structures.

3. BOROVINŠEK, Matej, NOVAK, Nejc, VESENJAK, Matej, REN, Zoran, ULBIN, Miran. Designing 2D auxetic structures using multi-objective topology optimization.

Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nejc Novak

Nejc Novak has been involved in the field of computer simulations of solids since 2012. During this time, he has participated in over 40 industry projects in the field of computer simulations of solids and has published numerous scientific articles in this area. These include:

1. NOVAK, Nejc, AL-RIFAIE, Hasan, AIROLDI, Alessandro, KRSTULOVIĆ-OPARA, Lovre, ŁODYGOWSKI, Tomasz, REN, Zoran, VESENJAK, Matej. Quasi-static and impact behaviour of foam-filled graded auxetic panel.

2. NOVAK, Nejc, BOROVINŠEK, Matej, AL-KETAN, Oraib, REN, Zoran, VESENJAK, Matej. Impact and blast resistance of uniform and graded sandwich panels with TPMS cellular structures.

3. BOROVINŠEK, Matej, NOVAK, Nejc, VESENJAK, Matej, REN, Zoran, ULBIN, Miran. Designing 2D auxetic structures using multi-objective topology optimization.

Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

Acquiring knowledge about the use of computer simulations for the analysis of solids.

Developing skills in using computer tools for simulations of solids.

Familiarization with opportunities for using open-source programs in the context of computer simulations of solids.

Understanding the importance and application of solid simulations in various engineering applications.

Ability to use computer simulations for modeling and analyzing the behavior of solid bodies under loads.

Critical thinking skills in interpreting simulation results and comparing them with theoretical models.

Ability to choose and use appropriate tools and programs for solid simulations according to specific project needs and requirements.

Effective communication and collaboration skills in conducting simulation projects within a group or among different experts.

Ability to critically assess the possibilities of using open-source programs for solid simulations.

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

Basics of Statics and Strength of Materials at the Level of Bachelor's Degree, Stage 1.

Course date

28. 8-26. 9. 2024 (1st course)

4. 11.-12. 11.2024 (2nd course, aplication closed))



More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants

MAX 15



30 contact hours