Short course description
Short course description
Content of the short-term learning experience
Participants in the course will learn the importance of ensuring the quality of measurements in the process and product quality assurance system as well as the basics of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of products (GD&T). The interpretation of the requirements of international standards for quality management systems (SIST EN ISO 9001 and IATF 16949) and for the geometric product specification (SIST EN ISO 1101, SIST EN ISO 5459, SIST EN ISO 5458, ...) is supplemented by examples from metrological practise and the planning practise of production systems. Geometric principles and quantities that are important for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing are explained in detail. Selected special cases of GD&T are also explained. Finally, the importance of communication within the company between the design, work preparation and product control departments is emphasised. The lecturer has excellent expertise in the field of metrology, planning of measurement processes and the confirmation of the geometric conformity of products.
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Bojan Ačko
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience is the head of the Laboratory for Production Measurement (holder of the national standard for length in the Republic of Slovenia and an accredited calibration laboratory), representative of the Republic of Slovenia in the European Association of National Metrology Laboratories EURAMET TCL, in the last five years he was the head of the Slovenian part of the consortium of two European metrology projects FP H2020 and Horizon Europe, is a lead and expert assessor of laboratories and control bodies at the Slovenian Accreditation, author of more than 30 calibration procedures with evaluation of measurement uncertainty, author of two university textbooks and one script, and in the last five years his most important publications are the following:
- ČREPINŠEK-LIPUŠ, Lucija, AČKO, Bojan, TOMPA, Jasna. Experimental determination of influences on a gauge block’s stack length. Advances in production engineering & management. Sept. 2022, vol. 17, no. 3, str. 339-349, ilustr. ISSN 1854-6250., DOI: 10.14743/apem2022.3.440.
- ŠAFARIČ, Jakob, KLOBUČAR, Rok, AČKO, Bojan. Measurement setup and procedure for precise step gauge calibration. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 70, str. 1009610-[1]-1009610-[10], ilustr. ISSN 0018-9456. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3115579.
- ČREPINŠEK-LIPUŠ, Lucija, BUDZYN, G[rzegorz], AČKO, Bojan. Analysis of laser interferometer measurement uncertainty by simulating error sources. International journal of simulation modelling. June 2021, vol. 20, no. 2, str. 339-350. ISSN 1726-4529. DOI: 10.2507/IJSIMM20-2-563.
- AČKO, Bojan, WEBER, Hubert, HUTZSCHENREUTER, Daniel, SMITH, I. Communication and validation of metrological smart data in IoT-networks. Advances in production engineering & management. Mar. 2020, vol. 15, no. 1, str. 107-117, ilustr. ISSN 1854-6250., DOI: 10.14743/apem2020.1.353.
- ŠAFARIČ, Jakob, DOLŠAK, Bojan, KLOBUČAR, Rok, AČKO, Bojan. Analysis of thermal contribution to the measurement uncertainty in step gauge calibration. Precision engineering : journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. [Print ed.]. Nov. 2020, vol. 66, str. 52-61. ISSN 0141-6359. DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2020.06.012.
Objectives and competences
Objectives and competences
- to understand the role of measurements in ensuring the quality of processes and products,
- familiarisation with methods and tools for ensuring quality measurements in industrial processes,
- familiarisation with standards and their requirements for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing,
- master a practical approach to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing,
- understand the role of engineering, process planning and control departments in the organisation in designing products and processes and confirming their compliance with requirements.
- Knowledge of the requirements of the standards for the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of products,
- the ability to correctly interpret geometric dimensions and tolerances on 3D models and technical drawings,
- the ability to plan manufacturing processes on the basis of the product's technical documentation,
- the ability to independently select a suitable measuring device and plan measuring procedures to determine the geometric characteristics of products.
Prerequisites for enrolling
Prerequisites for enrolling
Preliminary agenda
Preliminary agenda
Date | Time | Activity |
Day 1 | from 9:00 to 16:00
| The importance of measurements
Errors and measurement uncertainty Explanation of form and position tolerances
Course date
27. 11. 2024