University of Maribor


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Technological measurements with a laser tracker

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience


  • Presentation of the components and establishment of the FARO measuring system.
  • Presentation of the CAM2 programming environment and overview of commands.
  • Demonstration of measuring with a laser tracker.


  • Preparing the FARO laser tracker for measurements.
  • Preparation of the measurement protocol in the CAM2 software environment.
  • Performing test measurements with the FARO laser tracker.

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Gotlih

Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Gotlih teaches robotics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and leads student exercises in numerous courses in the field of manufacturing technologies. Dr. Gotlih participates in student, industrial and research projects. He is active in societies, international collaborations and as an editor of scientific journals in the field of mechanical engineering. His research focuses on the development of intelligent manufacturing systems.


Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. Rok Belšak

Assistant Rok Belšak at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering leads calculations and practical exercises for industrial robotics, mechanics and dynamics in the mechatronics study programs at the first and second Bologna level. He passes on the experience he has gained in industry in the field of automation to the students through various practical exercises on industrial robots. As a PhD student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, he is working on the development of advanced algorithms for kinesthetic learning of collaborative robots using laser sensors.


Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

The objectives of the course are:

  • present the measurement process with a laser tracker;
  • present the software environment for preparing the measurement program;
  • train students to perform measurements with a laser tracker
  • train students to use the software environment for planning complex measurements.

The student will acquire the following general competences:

  • the ability of individual creative thinking;
  • the ability to do independent engineering and research work;
  • independence, creativity, innovation and criticality;
  • professional excellence.

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling

Basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering or computer science.

Preliminary agenda

Preliminary agenda

Date                                                                  Time                                                    Activity                                                                                                                                     

By agreement

2 h


By agreement

3 h

Computer exercises

By agreement

3 h

Practical exercises

Course date




More content information:



Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants


