University of Maribor


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Fractures of machinery parts, structures and installations

Fraktorska analiza

Short course description

Short course description

Content of the short-term learning experience

Fractures of machinery parts, structures and installations are events that can cause significant damage to property and loss of life. It is therefore essential to know the causes of the fracture. One of the most effective tools in identifying fractures is fractographic analysis, which allows the identification of the causes of fracture as well as the prediction of the behaviour of materials in practice based on the analysis of the fracture of test specimens in standard mechanical tests.

The lectures will present the influence of the stress state and mechanical behaviour of materials on fracture under static, dynamic and impact loading. The structure of materials and its influence on the initiation and progression of cracks under different stress and strain conditions will be presented. In the practical part, attention will be paid to the correct collection and storage of fractures and to the analysis of fractures in the macro- and micro-range using different light and electron microscopes.


Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Franc Zupanič

Prof. Dr. Franc Zupanič studies the technologies of synthesis, processing, treatment and joining of various alloys, with the focus of his research being on the relationship between the manufacturing parameters, the resulting microstructure and the final properties.

The development and characterisation of new aluminium alloys is a priority area of research. The focus is on high-strength aluminium alloys based on Al-Mg-Si and patented heat-resistant aluminium alloys hardened by crystalline and quasicrystalline precipitates.

In the above research, it uses light and electron microscopy, microchemical analysis, X-ray phase analysis and atomic tomography in the metallographic characterisation of the alloys, as well as various types of mechanical tests, such as tensile and impact tests, permanent dynamic strength and creep tests, and hardness measurements.

An important area of his teaching and research is fractography. This is very important in explaining fracture processes under static, impact and dynamic loads. He has been involved in the characterisation of the microstructure and fractographic analysis of the dynamic strength of a new Al alloy AA 6086 and in the comparison of its properties with established Al alloys (Microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of a new high-strength aluminium alloy AA 6086, LCF behaviour of high-strength aluminium alloys AA 6110A and AA 6086). He has also been involved in fractographic analysis of auxetic and additive alloys.



Other instructors

Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Tonica Bončina

The lecturer, doc. dr Tonica Bončina, Senior Research Fellow, has more than thirty years of experience in the field of research on metals and other materials. She is a specialist in metallography and light and electron scanning microscopy. She holds the professional title of Habilitation Specialist, the scientific title of Senior Research Fellow, and the teaching title of Assistant Professor in the field of Materials.  She is a lecturer in the Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering in course Materialography.

She is the author or co-author of several scientific papers, e.g. (1,2), technical papers, e.g. (3,4) and a European patent (5) covering metallographic analysis and characterisation of materials.


Objectives and competences

Objectives and competences

The aim of the training is to provide participants with the basic knowledge of fracture of materials necessary for fracture analysis, which can be used to identify the causes of fractures. This is fundamental knowledge that they use to improve the design, manufacture and use of materials.

Upon completion of the training, the participant will be able to:

  • correctly take a sample, clean it and store it for examination.
  • identify the basic characteristics of a fracture by basic inspection
  • plan the appropriate steps of fractographic analysis
  • identify the types of fracture on the macro- and micro-level
  • use light and electron microscopy techniques to obtain micrographs of fractures
  • identify the type of fracture on the basis of a comprehensive analysis

Prerequisites for enrolling

Prerequisites for enrolling


Course date




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Participation fees

until 30. 9. 2025

Learning environment




Available number of participants

