Short course description
Short course description
Content of the short-term learning experience
- Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
- Modeling of computational domains
- Generation of computational grids; boundary and initial conditions
- Solution algorithms; Convergency
- Validation in CFD
- Modeling of engineering problems – best practice cases
- Introduction to modeling of turbulent flows
- Practical work: 3D model creation, basic mesh generation
- Practical work: Boundary and initial conditions setup; running the CFD code
- Practical work: Time dependent simulations, improved numerical grids, comparison of solutions
- Practical work: Validation of basic test cases
- Practical work: Computationof a turbulent flow test case using different turbulence models
- Practical work: Set-up and rerforming a CFD simulation test case from scratch – seminar work
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience
Coordinator of the short-term learning experience

Prof. Dr. Matjaž Hriberšek
is a full professor and head of the Laboratory for Process Engineering and Computational Fluid Dynamics. He conducts research in the field of development of methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and their application in process, energy and environmental engineering. He teaches courses in the field of CFD at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level of Mechanical Engineering studies. He is the author of more than 100 original scientific articles, mostly in the field of CFD and the development of digital models of processes and devices, as well a the author of the book Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, published by the University Press of the University of Maribor.
Other instructors
Other instructors

Assist. Prof. Dr. Matej Zadravec
Assist. Prof. Dr. Matej Zadravec is assistant professor in the field of energy, process and environmental engineering at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor. As part of his research work, he has worked at the University of Stavanger in Norway, University of Udine in Italy and at the research centre RCPE in Austria. He is involved in simulations and development of devices and processes for the needs of the pharmaceutical and process industries. He is currently actively involved in various application and research projects for various Slovenian and foreign companies, mainly in the field of pharmacy and process engineering. His teaching activities are mainly in numerical simulation and process engineering (general process engineering, drying, process devices…) courses.
Assist. Dr. Blaž Kamenik
Assist. Dr. Blaž Kamenik is assistant at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maribor, Chair of Power, Process and Environmental Engineering. His main research excellence lies in CFD modelling of heat and mass transfer phenomena in drying processes as well as nanofluid flows. His teaching activities are focused on computational methods and process engineering.
Objectives and competences
Objectives and competences
- to master basic knowledge of engineering tools for computer simulations of fluid dynamics problems
- to gain practical experience of using modern engineering tools of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- ability to combine the use of modern engineering tools of Computational Fluid Dynamics for solutions of advanced engineering problems of fluid flow.
- knowledge of and qualification to work with available commercial engineering tools for solving advanced problems of fluid dynamics.
Prerequisites for enrolling
Prerequisites for enrolling
No prerequisites.
Preliminary agenda
Preliminary agenda
Dan | Čas (h) | Vsebina |
23. 9. 2024 | 10:00-18:00 |
24. 9. 2024 | 8:00-18:00 |
25. 9. 2024 | 8:00-18:00 |
26. 9. 2024 | 8:00-18:00 |
27. 9. 2024 | 8:00-15:00 |
Course date
23. - 27. 9. 2024
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